Substance Use / Addiction Parent Support Group Meeting in Tampa, FL
Meeting Details
This is a regular weekly parent support group meeting for parents whose young people struggle with substance use disorder, addiction, or alcohol. We meet every week on Monday evenings in the Tampa area.
Monday nights at
7:30pm - 9:00pm
13944 Lynmar Blvd
Tampa, FL 33626
Parents of teens and young adults who struggle with substance use or addiction

Dealing with a loved one with a substance use disorder can be extremely complex and emotionally debilitating - don't try to do it alone! This support group meeting for parents of addicts in Tampa, FL provides parents with strength, community, and real solutions that work.
These meetings are held every Monday night. Each meeting covers a different topic related to responding to and supporting a loved one through their struggles with addiction or substance use disorder.
All meetings are voluntary, parent-led, and attended by our substance abuse counseling staff.