Substance Use / Addiction Parent Support Group Meeting in Raleigh, NC
Meeting Details
This is a weekly parent support group for parents of children with substance use disorder, addiction, or alcohol problems. We meet every Monday night in the Cary, NC area near Raleigh.
Monday nights at
7:30pm - 9:00pm
103 Towerview Ct,
Cary, NC 27513
Parents of teens and young adults who struggle with substance use or addiction

If you're a parent struggling to respond to a loved one's addiction or substance use, don't suffer in the dark! This support group meeting for parents of addicts and substance users helps Raleigh-area parents connect with others facing the same challenges. Find hope, encouragement, and solutions.
These meetings are held every Monday night. Each meeting covers a different topic related to responding to and supporting a loved one through their struggles with addiction or substance use disorder.
All meetings are voluntary, parent-led, and attended by our substance abuse counseling staff.